Seven trends for 2024 –
#1 Hyperpolarization

The green transition, the AI ​​revolution and the new geopolitics will soon affect all parts of society, directly and indirectly. Nothing is obvious or simple either, which creates a, usually unarticulated, sense of crisis in each of us. So what can we expect more concretely from 2024 and the years thereafter?

Below are the seven trends that will affect us all in the coming years

  1. Hyperpolarization
  2. The time of fear
  3. The big data theft
  4. With your fingers in the cookie jar
  5. Time to share fairly
  6. The call for myths, meaning and context
  7. Wonder – the new black

In the coming weeks we will share how these will affect us all in general and this will affect the Gig economy specifically.

First up is Hyperpolarization – what does it mean and how are we affected
That we are becoming more politically polarized is debatable. But it feels that way, and the political extremes are becoming both more articulate and convinced that polarization is actually increasing. However, what is increasing, according to the researchers, is mainly the affective polarization. When everything gets serious, it becomes increasingly important to formulate one’s own position, which means that one perceives that polarization is growing. And with a clear view on important issues, the opposing side becomes unbearable. In that environment, it becomes increasingly easy to misstep in heated debates, such as Israel-Hamas, which many have experienced. And the more questions that are perceived as burning, the greater the affective polarization. Now is the time of battle.

Although hyperpolarization refers to the increasing ideological divergence between political parties or groups, its effects will indirectly affect various aspects of society, including the gig economy.

Here are some potential ways hyperpolarization could affect the gig economy:

Regulation and policy changes:
Hyperpolarization often leads to increased political debates and policy deadlock. This may affect the regulatory environment surrounding the gig economy, where different parties advocate divergent regulatory approaches. For example, one party may push for stricter regulations to protect the rights of gig workers, while another may advocate a more laissez-faire approach to support business growth. The resulting uncertainty and regulatory changes could affect how gig economy platforms operate and how workers engage with such arrangements.

Worker rights and protections:
Hyperpolarization can intensify debates around labor rights and protections for gig workers. Different political factions may take contrasting positions on issues such as the minimum wage, health care benefits, and worker classification. This can lead to legislative battles and legal challenges that shape the rights and protections afforded to gig workers.

Market volatility:
Political polarization can contribute to economic uncertainty and market instability. Fluctuations in politics, along with divisive political rhetoric, can affect consumer confidence and consumption patterns. This in turn can affect the demand for services in the gig economy and thus the income and job security of gig workers.

Technology regulation:
Hyperpolarization could heighten debates about regulation of tech companies operating in the gig economy. Issues such as data protection, antitrust issues and platform liability can become more contentious as different political factions push for divergent regulations. This may have implications for business models and operation of gig economy platforms.

Labor organization and impact:
Hyperpolarization can drive efforts among gig workers to organize and push for their rights. Different political factions may support or oppose these efforts, affecting the future of unions in the gig economy.

In summary, hyperpolarization can introduce uncertainty and volatility into the regulatory and political environment, which can have ripple effects on the gig economy and the individuals who participate in it.

So even though all this has not happened yet, we know that hyperpolarization creates more uncertainty than security even if the purpose in this case is the opposite.

Our job therefore becomes even more important, because in a turbulent world where different forces will fight for their opinions, it is necessary that someone is willing and able to focus on the person and the person so that they can reach their full potential or as they themselves say Be All You Can Ask!

Do you need to recruit, cover a parental leave, increase flexibility at peak times, bring in specialist skills or is it to carry out improvement projects connected to current or future needs?

Feel free to contact us and we’ll offer you a cup of coffee and listen to your thoughts.

BayInCo – Interim within finance, accounting & sustainability